Jessica Triady – XLFL B6 Medan – Founder WolleWolly
The restriction of freedom and mobility which women experienced due to gender discrimination at that time was the reason behind Kartini’s aspiration. Just like Kartini, Jessica Triady also recognizes the same problem. Many women are experiencing restrictions, one of which is due to financial difficulties. They are prevented from exploring their potential since they cannot afford to.
Through her business in handcrafting called WolleWolly, Jessica realizes that she can do something to help address this issue. She then turns WolleWolly to be a social enterprise whose profit is generated to empower underprivileged women in her community. She conducts a free crocheting training for them with an aim to equip them with a handcrafting skill. As a result, the women can eventually produce something to be sold and earn extra income from the sales. So far, she has empowered more than 50 women and some have successfully made their crocheting skill their paid hobby.
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