
Alumni Update: Believe In Yourself, Stay Strong, and Trust The Process

What are the values that you applied so that you were able to overcome challenges at work?

  1. Persistence
  2. Genuine
  3. Networking

How did you feel about being a part of XLFL Family and how did it affect you?

I felt super excited because I got to meet extraordinary people while at some points made me feel anxious by the fact that I wasn’t good enough. This was actually a trigger for me in order to be the better version of me each time. So, as XL Future Leaders awardee, I can feel the impact on of how I manage to realize that weaknesses and mistakes are not something to be ashamed of. Other than that, having good connection is also one of the advantages. And sometimes I got the opportunity meeting BoD of startup companies where they valued XLFL Program really well. Many of them are ex-XL so that I feel comfortable having discussion with them. Last but not least is having an outstanding attitude. In XL Future Leaders, we were always given the opportunity to collaborate whether it’s a team work with the awardees, the facilitator or the XL internal team. We learn that collaborations are all about teamwork. It was such a pleasure to have that many chances of meeting new people that time when I was still an awardee.

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Halo Bang Rizal! Boleh diceritakan mengenai kegiatan Abang saat ini? 

Saat ini saya bekerja di Grab Indonesia sebagai Sulawesi Emerging Cities Manager yang membawahi 4 area yaitu Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Barat dan Gorontalo. Saya fokus meng-handle bisnis dan operasional perusahaan di wilayah-wilayah tersebut, mulai dari performa bisnis, partnership, strategic, dan administrasi di kantor di tiap kota.

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Interview Session with Jehian Panangian Sijabat – Seeking Opportunity in the Disruption Era

Bang Ian! Itulah sapaan akrab dari Jehian Panangian Sijabat, Influencer Manager yang mengkoordinasi channel Nihongo Mantappu, Korean Reomit, Turah Parthayana, Leonardo Edwin, dan Erika Ebisawa. Bang Ian menjajaki karir di bidang Influencer Manager tepat setahun yang lalu, dimana kebanyakan masyarakat masih awam dengan pekerjaan tersebut. Sepuluh tahun yang lalu, pekerjaan Influencer Manager dan Content Creator belum santer terdengar. Dengan adanya disrupsi dan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang mudah dijangkau masyarakat umum, banyak sekali menghilangkan pekerjaan yang bersifat transaksional dan berulang. Tetapi dibalik itu, muncul lebih banyak pekerjaan baru yang memerlukan skill tertentu yang tidak diajarkan siswa di sekolah. Yuk, simak langsung perjalanan Jehian dalam mengembangkan karirnya!

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Berprestasi ala Future Policymaker

Hai Belinda, boleh diceritakan pengalaman kamu selama mengikuti program YALPI di Bangkok kemarin?

Halo juga! Young ASEAN Leaders Policy Initiative (YALPI) 2020 adalah sebuah kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh ASEAN dan Chulalongkorn University di Bangkok, Thailand, yang mengumpulkan anak-anak muda untuk berkontribusi memberikan kebijakan terkait permasalahan di wilayah ASEAN. Selama di sana, saya sadar bahwa ada beberapa pelajaran dari XLFL yang saya jalankan, misalnya kemampuan public speaking untuk presentasi, karena 30% dari kegiatan YALPI ini adalah sesi pitching kepada para pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) dan investor yang tertarik untuk mengaplikasikan policy yang telah kami susun.

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Doing the Extra Mile: From XLFL to a Pageant

Stiff, a little bit shy, always uncomfortable under a spotlight, but he is a hard worker. That day, when his Ted Talk challenge practice was given with sharp reviews; that he was too stiff, looked awkward, he knew that he needed to push himself harder to change. That reviews taught him hard. The real challenge awaited. He chose not to repeat the same mistakes, he made sure it would be something different. For the follow-up Ted Talk challenge, he picked the most unexpected and different theme, to talk about a pageant, his pageant experience. 

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Welcoming XLFL 8 to Our Award-Winning Program

Congratulations, now you have become part of XL Future Leaders Family, soon to start your Batch 8 super challenging yet rewarding activities!

We can hardly wait!

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Happy 74th Independence day, Indonesia!!!

Raudhatul Jannah, XLFL Batch 7 from Medan, as the delegation of Syiah Kuala University was selected as the runner up out of 144 team from the University all over Indonesia in National Debate held by Indonesia Constitutional Court which fight over for Indonesian Constitutional Court Cup XII.

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Batch 8 Round Two Selections Are Complete


If your name is on this list, you are successfully passed the Online Assessment of XL Future Leaders Batch 8 and will be eligible to continue to the next selection phase :

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Batch 8 Round One Selections Are Complete


If your name is on this list, you’ve successfully passed the first round of XL Future Leaders Batch 8 selection. We will send out an email with detailed information.

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Ramadan Sharing Session with XL Future Leaders

Tips and Motivation on Future Plan

There are many ways you can share with others during holy Ramadan month. Conducting motivational session with the orphans, at the same time having a breaking-fast event, is one of the examples.

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