XLFL Growth Hacking Challenge 2016

Hari Jumat, 20 Januari 2017 lalu, di Grha XL kedatangan tamu istimewa. Terlihat beberapa mahasiswa berpakaian rapi lengkap dengan jas dan blazer sedang asyik berbincang dengan wajah nervous.  Hm…  siapakah mereka dan sedang apakah mereka?

Nah, mereka adalah perwakilan dari 5 tim terbaik yang telah terpilih dari total 28 tim yang terdiri dari teman-teman XLFL Batch 4 seluruh Indonesia. Mereka sedang menunggu giliran untuk melakukan Growth Hacking Challenge – Final Presentation dihadapan Bapak  Rahmadi Mulyohartono (VP – LTE), Bapak Azmarin Johari (VP – Digitalization & Transformation), Ibu April Bautista Cabello (GM-Digital Experience & Transformation), dan Ibu Turina Farouk (VP – Corporate Communications), selaku juri yang akan menentukan tim manakah yang berhak mendapatkan predikat juara dan mendapatkan hadiah spesial tentunya.

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XL Axiata Awarded as Indonesia Most Trusted Company

Sustainable, credible, ethical, and responsible. The Good Corporate Governance Awards 2016 and SWA Network awarded XL Axiata as one of only 26 companies in Indonesia that fits all these four attributes. This prestigious award was picked up by Mr. Eka Bramantya Danuwirana , Chief of Corporate Affair Officer XL Axiata during a reception in Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta on 19 December 2016.

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Team ARISTOTELL Received Awards

Four XL Future Leaders students received awards from Universitas Gadjah Mada for their XLFL Social Innovation Project named ARISTOTELL. Those four students are XLFL Batch 3 alumni (they just graduated last month) and UGM students, they are Ninda Frisky, Risqi Faris, Faisal Sya’bani and Devlin Saleh. The reception night of Malam Penghargaan Insan UGM Berprestasi 2016 was held on Wednesday, 14 December 2016 in Grha Sabha Pramana, UGM Yogyakarta.

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XLFL Act in Pidie Jaya, Aceh

Food tastes better when you eat it with your family and pain feels lighter when you share it with others.

XL Future Leaders students showed big love in Pidie Jaya, Aceh on Sunday, 11 December 2016 after strong earthquake hit Aceh. Pidie Jaya is the most affected region after the 6.5 SR earthquake hit Aceh in the previous week. At least 100 people were killed and more than 45,000 people displaced. This disaster is not only breaking the heart of Aceh people but also everyone who sees all over the news.

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XLFL Share: Sekolah Master dan Topi-topi Solusi

Hanna Azulay Hasfari, XL Future Leaders Batch 3

Junaedi                 : “Kak, aku tuh males banget deh kalo ketemu anak-anak kelas dua”

Lala (XLFL B.1)       : “Lho memangnya kenapa?”

Junaedi                 : “Soalnya mereka nggak asik dan suka nyolot”

(Penggalan percakapan ditanggal 30 November 2016 pagi di Sekolah Master Depok)

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XLFL Digital Leaders Competition Final Announcement

The 3 winners were filtered from 1069 group participant. They have passed several struggles of selection from administration until proposal assessment; they also competed with Top 10 finalist to facing presentation, interview and Q&A in front of credible judges located on Jakarta Smart City Building. The judges are:

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National Conference 2016: When Happiness in the Air

Words by Risqika Edni Doni Achsan (@doniachsan)

For five consecutive years XL Axiata held its annual youth leadership conference, XL Future Leaders National Conference. This year on 17 – 19 November 2016 was the time when all of us – Batch 3 XL Future Leaders – reunited again in Jakarta after two years of workshops in our respective regions. This event was conducted to celebrate our graduation while also to welcome the incoming Batch 5 students.

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Festival Anak LPKA Sukamiskin Bandung

Jendela Anak LPKA (Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak), adalah Social Innovation Project yang diinisiasi oleh XL Future Leaders Batch 3 Bandung Students yang beranggotakan Muhammad Hanief (sebagai Ketua), Aisyah Dhia, Nindya Pratiwi, Adi Theodosius, Albert Tri dan Aries Buana, yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pembekalan keterampilan dan kewirausahaan kepada anak didik LPKA sehingga mereka bisa mendiri sekeluarnya dari Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Sukamiskin, Bandung. Pelatihan ini telah diselenggarakan sejak bulan September 2016, dengan frekuensi kelas dua kali seminggu.

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Tentang Kebahagiaan, Karir, dan Visinya Untuk Pemuda Indonesia

Tahun ini, Tri Wahyuningsih (General Manager  Corporate Communications) atau kerap kami sapa Mbak Ayu merayakan 14 tahun karirnya di XL Axiata. Di awal tahun 2000-an, Mbak Ayu yang saat itu bahkan belum memboyong gelar sarjana sudah memulai kiprahnya di industri telekomunikasi. Sebuah industri yang tidak terbayang akan digelutinya karena Ayu kecil ingin jadi dokter.

Berkarya di industri telekomunikasi membuat Mbak Ayu selalu belajar. Indra mata dan telinga terus ia siagakan untuk mengejar dinamika industri. Hati dan pikirannya selalu dibuka supaya mampu terus berkontribusi. Musik dan Bali ia jadikan sarana untuk menenangkan pikiran.

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XLFL Digital Leaders Competition Stage 2 Announcement


Finally after a tight discussion, we are proudly announcing the Top 10 candidates/team who will present their ideas to the expert judges in Jakarta.

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