News, Events & Media

Final Announcement XLFL Batch 10

Dear New Awardees

Welcome to XLFL Family, now you are officially part of Batch 10 cohort! Congratulation!

We want to welcome each of you to XL Axiata Future Leaders Program! You are about to begin one of the most exciting times in your life. We cannot wait to make you busy and experience this Award-Winning Program. Everyone in the family wants to help you make your “XLFL Experience” an extraordinary one!

You might often hear that XLFL provides a positive environment to welcome critics, debates, and many other differences that addressed appropriately, and it is true! This is the way we build its depth of character, traditions, diversity, commitment to shape your human skills excellence, as well as to bring its surroundings partake in making all XLFL awardees such exemplary youths for more youths out there.

DO remember how you went through your selection journey competing with the other 41,173 applicants, bigger than the previous intake. More, we are pleased to announce that we now welcome 190 selected awardees, the biggest in number in XLFL selected awardee history!

You and the other 189 selected awardees will have the privilege to experience a 2-year leadership and soft skills development program that is unique, empowering, valuable, yet challenging and pushing all the awardees to go extra miles. We make sure that this program will keep on delivering proven best results and impacts for every awardee and beyond.

To continue to the next step, we are delighted to invite you all 190 selected awardees to attend XL Axiata Future Leaders National Conference on November 27-28, 2021 online! Details of what you need to prepare will be given soon to your email. Check your email regularly not to miss any info we are going to share.


See you!

XLFL Core Team


Hasil Seleksi Tahap Keempat XL Axiata Future Leaders 10

Selamat bagi nama-nama berikut ini yang lolos tahap keempat seleksi XLFL 10, yaitu Leaderless Group Discussion and Presentation dan akan melanjutkan ke tahap seleksi final yaitu Interview. Jalan kamu untuk menjadi XLFL awardee tinggal selangkah lagi.

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Hasil Seleksi Tahap Ketiga XL Axiata Future Leaders 10

Selamat bagi nama-nama berikut ini yang lolos tahap ketiga seleksi XLFL 10, yaitu Online Case Study dan akan melanjutkan ke tahap seleksi berikutnya. Untuk detail informasi, akan kami kirimkan ke email masing-masing.

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Hasil Seleksi Tahap Kedua XL Axiata Future Leaders 10

Selamat bagi nama-nama berikut ini yang lolos tahap kedua seleksi XLFL 10, yaitu online assessment (English, GMAT dan Listening Test) dan akan melanjutkan ke tahap seleksi berikutnya. Untuk detail informasi, akan kami kirimkan ke email masing-masing.

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Hasil Seleksi Tahap Pertama XL Axiata Future Leaders 10

Selamat bagi nama-nama berikut ini yang lolos tahap pertama seleksi XLFL 10, yaitu seleksi administrasi dan akan berlanjut ke tahap seleksi berikutnya. Untuk detail informasi kami kirimkan melalui email masing-masing.

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100 Peserta Terpilih Cyclone Mentorship Program dengan XLFL Alumni

Selamat untuk nama-nama di bawah ini karena terpilih untuk mengikuti Cyclone mentorship program dengan XLFL Alumni.

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Celebrating A Year of Homebound, How Can We Be More Resilience?

It has been exactly a year since March 2020 reminded us about how the pandemic has changed our relationships with our homes. Suddenly, we are inside them. In normal times, so much of public life such as work, school, exercise, shopping, and socializing was happening outside them. Now, for more than a year, this so-called ‘public life’ has happened entirely within the walls of our homes. Funnily, one activity like ‘virtual meeting’ has become a lifestyle.

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Privilese: Bukan Hanya Dinikmati, tapi Juga Dibagi

Memaknai Maksud dari Resiliensi

Sudah lebih dari 4 tahun, Muhammad Nur Setia Budi telah menyelesaikan dunia perkuliahan. Datang dari XLFL Batch 4, Budi biasanya Ia dipanggil, kembali duduk bersama tim Newsletter XLFL untuk berbagi pikiran reflektifnya mengenai perubahan rutinitas yang terjadi akibat pandemi, dan bagaimana perubahan tersebut mendorong diri dan banyak orang-orang sekitarnya untuk memaknai diri menjadi manusia yang tahan banting.

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The Circle of Empowerment

The Initial Dot – Where It All Started

“Empower others, empower yourself.”

That quote struck Adham, a Batch 4 alumnae of XLFL programme,  and it has become his leading principle. He embraced that when we do our best in helping and supporting others by investing our energy and channeling our great enthusiasm, we simultaneously push ourselves to be the better version of ourselves too. Adham has felt this himself. Despite the gradual process, he eventually came to realize that he could take on any challenge thrown at him in the future as his confidence has grown emboldened.

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Paham Hukum

Raudhatul Jannah XLFL Batch 7

Inspirasi bisa datang dari mana saja, kapan saja, bahkan oleh siapa saja, hal ini juga dirasakan dan dibuktikan oleh Raudha, ‘’Waktu itu sempat datang ke seminar anak kedokteran yang juga awardee XLFL dan mereka membuat ikatan anak kedokteran XLFL, kenapa tidak kita buat versi hukumnya?’’ Raudha pun mengajak temannya Boy yang juga berkuliah di tempat yang sama, Universitas Syiah Kuala, dan juga awardee XLFL batch 8 untuk membuat suatu platform untuk memberikan kesadaran kepada masyarakat Indonesia mengenai hukum. Menurut Raudha, hukum bukan hanya konsumsi untuk mahasiswa, akademisi atau praktisi di bidang hukum saja, tapi masyarakat Indonesia juga harus paham hukum.

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