Social Innovation Project 2016
Challenge for XLFL Students to Proof Their Commitment to Support Local Community
XL proudly presents Social Innovation Project 2016. Through this program, XL Future Leaders encourage students to keep their concerns and become the pioneers in finding the solutions upon social problems surround. Likewise, as a digital technology-based company, XL invites students to utilize an advanced technology in developing digital tools to solve the social problems. This time, XL launched Social Innovation Project 2016 program, which will be carried on by the XL Future Leaders.
This program, in fact, has become so important considering many of the students come from different places all over Indonesia. It creates space for XL to empower the Students, so that they can contribute their ideas and creativities to be part of the solutions for problems occurred in their community. The program theme this year is digital solutions for social challenges. It is in-line with the government’s development program which nowadays is fostering more in infrastructure development to achieve the 2020 vision; becoming the largest digital nation in ASEAN.