My Challenging Road to Korea

By Dimas Yunianto Putra

This is a story of my check listed IDP, a two-year plan I made during my XLFL program.

It is a great opportunity for me to continue my education and research in energy development. I’ve been accepted for Master-PhD Integrated Program in Graduate School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University, Korea. My research proposal is about Lithium Ion Battery for Electric Car which has brought me to study in Nano Energy Laboratory (NEL) for a five-year research. I will get full scholarship for this program, the GlobalPlus Scholarship from the university and research project scholarship from NEL.

My success way to get this opportunity is interestingly challenging. I will say that it was not easy. In fact, I dug out info about this master degree since I was in sixth semester.

I have passion in advance technology development. So, I researched the best laboratory rank from many universities, like Japan, Korea, China, and Saudi Arabia for its advance technology research.

The road was not as smooth as I wanted to imagine. At the very first time, I failed to get the scholarship from Japan. I tried again, I enrolled for a selection process for China scholarship, and still I failed. Both failures didn’t make me down. I moved on. I tried to apply in one of Saudi Arabia universities, but failed again. It was tough. But I kept pumping myself to get up. I had been through a lot, I couldn’t stop for now.

I gathered my plan, this time I re-strategized. I asked one of my seniors who is studying in one of universities in Korea that I had a linear research in a laboratory there. I was told to write my proposal. It escalated my motivation for sure. So, I wrote an email to a professor there and joined the document selection. I followed all the process thoroughly. I sent my motivation letter, CV, and research proposal. Good news came one month later; my name was listed on one of successful candidate list for graduate school program for full scholarship! I couldn’t be happier…

Lesson learned.

Keep focusing on our target and be confident with our passion are two keys for achieving our dreams. I have proven it. Back then when I was In XLFL Program, I learned about career strategy, the steps to design, and plan the way to achieve them. XLFL Program has contributed a lot in me in keeping myself to stay focus and be confident to work on things I wrote on my Individual Development Plan (IDP). “If you have skill and passion, make sure you can make it real to achieve your dreams!” said my XLFL facilitator. And I can say now I am happy that finally I can make it real! Alhamdulillah.

I can’t say my thank you enough to XLFL Program and all team involved making this program extraordinary and guiding me achieving my future professional career. Sending my humble and sincere gratitude to all XLFL family. I hope to contribute more in the future for Indonesia and the world soon…