Impact Stories

Sharing Stories through Spill Your Story

“Every story is worth telling” – Spill Your Story
Raudhatul Jannah & Ceudah Hajashafira
XLFL Bacth 7 & 8 (Founder Spill Your Story)

Ada milyaran manusia dimuka bumi saat ini, dan begitu juga, ada milyaran cerita tentang mereka. Dua orang sahabat dari  XL Future Leaders berbagi kisah mereka tentang proyek berbagi cerita. Lets Spill the tea about “Spill Your Story”!

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Online Team Management: Facing the New Normal


Physical events during the Covid-19 pandemic have hit rock-bottom these days, and one of the affected activities caused by it was a social movement. Back then when our life was running normally, it was quite usual for us to see someone to start a campaign or project, either to spread awareness, help those in need, persuade people to join a positive activity, or many that you could name. But now the situation has changed, and people have started to adapt. Lots of people are now used to attending or holding online events, with the same purpose and output of the offline meetings could do.

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Viewing Agility in the Workplace, How?

Rininta Muthia Syahrir – Alumni XLFL Batch 4
Senior Business Development Specialist

About Rininta
Meet Rininta Muthia Syahrir, an Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) graduate and XLFL Batch 4 Bandung. Her friends are used to calling her “Irin.” Currently, Irin is a Senior Business Development Specialist, focusing on handling the digital category in one of the biggest and leading e-commerce in Indonesia. She began her journey as a Business Development Specialist in July 2018. With the given role, Irin imagines herself as the “CEO” of her own product in the digital category that she is responsible for. To be specific, she develops the intangible products, such as data packages, electricity tokens, or mostly in charge of developing and managing the billings in her company.

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Synergizing Agility

An Interview with Kenny Hutomo – Alumni XLFL Batch 6
Commercial Management Trainee of L’Oreal

Kenny Hutomo

We’ve probably heard the term “New Normal” countless times since the day it was first coined due to the Covid-19 pandemic. After three months of working from home and having to do everything virtually, companies have come with various policies in response to the decision that’s been made by the government. But the question is, are you even ready to face the so-called “New Normal”?

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Presence, Agility, and Perseverance

An Interview with Dhito Satrya – Alumni XLFL Batch 2
Founder, Owner, and Managing Director of NAMA Studios

Dhito Satrya

I’ve always thought that I was the first Prasmulyan to ever enter XL Future Leaders, until I met Satrya. Satrya was my senior on campus and although we’re 6 years apart, and that I never met him in person, his brand NAMA Studios has left a great impression on us as students and his juniors. Having known NAMA Studios before the owner himself, I have always been impressed by their overall strategy as a business. Starting from how they manage their orders, to maximizing the power of storytelling to help resonate the brand with its audience.

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Cross-cultural Communication: Why You Should Acquire One by International Exposure

Muhammad Afi Ramadhan (@afiramadhan) – XLFL Batch 7 Medan

(Caption: representing the delegates to deliver appreciation speech at Temasek Foundation’s headquarters)

representing the delegates to deliver appreciation speech at Temasek Foundation’s headquarters

I was privileged to attend the inaugural STEP Youth Regional Affairs Dialogue 2019 from 2nd – 9th August 2019 in Singapore. Organized by Nanyang Technological University – University Scholars Programme (NTU-USP) and supported by Temasek Foundation, I was selected as one of 75 delegates from 18 Asian countries (including Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and South Korea) for a fully-funded eight days trip to NTU campus where I learned and appreciate Asia’s interwoven geopolitical structure through discussions on economics, politics and society, while fostering an understanding of governance and policies across Asia and build friendships through cross-cultural exchanges.

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Creating a Platform: Spreading Knowledge

Featuring Muhammad Haykal (XLFLB7 Jakarta)

Muhammad Haykal is a student of Communication Studies from Universitas Hassanudin and an XL Future Leaders Batch 7 Awardee. Haykal, along with his three other friends, initiated ‘Kita Bicara Dulu.’ The podcast aims to spread awareness, start discussions, and be a platform for people to share their opinions and information without being bound by a strict mainstream media system. Beginning in October 2019, ‘Kita Bicara Dulu’ has been streamed for more than 1700 times on Spotify and 200 times on Apple Music.

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Membangun Indonesia Dari Pinggiran

Bahar Sangkur (XLFL Batch 2) – Tim Nusantara Sehat XII


Halo Kak Bahar! Apa saja kesibukkan Kakak saat ini? Boleh diceritakan, Kak?

Saat ini saya ditugaskan oleh Kementrian Kesehatan bersama enam tenaga medis lainnya, yang terdiri dari perawat, bidan, sanitarian, ahli epidemiologi, ahli gizi, dan analisis laboratorium untuk 2 tahun pengabdian di pedalaman Sulawesi. Lokasi penugasan berada di Lembah Napu, tepatnya di Puskesmas Maholo, Kabupaten Poso, Sulawesi Tengah. Wilayah kerja kami termasuk dalam kategori sangat terpencil, rawan konflik bersenjata, dan daerah endemik penyakit “purba” schiscosomiasis (demam keong) yg di Indonesia hanya ada di wilayah kerja kami. Saya melakukan pengabdian di tempat ini karena saya ingin merealisasikan salah satu impian masa kecil saya, yaitu melakukan pelayanan kesehatan di beranda terdepan NKRI. Dan di bulan ini tepat satu tahun saya bertugas sebagai Tim Nusantara Sehat.

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Kerjain Aja Dulu

Lukas Jhon Sulo Palayukan (XLFL Batch 5) – Client Solution Executive at iProspect Valuklik – Dentsu Aegis Network Indonesia


Hi Kak Jhon, senang mendapat kesempatan untuk mewawancarai Kakak kali ini! Boleh diceritakan mengenai kegiatan Kakak saat ini?

Hi! Terima kasih juga buat kesempatannya. Semoga dapat menginspirasi pembaca tentang apa yang saya share kali ini. Sekarang kegiatan saya lagi berfokus untuk menambah ilmu dan membangun professional portfolio di kantor selama waktu kerja. Mengapresiasi diri dengan me-time di akhir minggu, dan menjadi pengurus di Bryan Gunawan Project 2020.

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An Interview with Katrina Wardhana (Founder of Art for Refuge) Compassion Above All

 “What’s challenging is not about becoming a woman who leads, but more about becoming a youth that is able to lead”

That was the answer that I received from Katrina, during our virtual interview when I asked her about the challenges and obstacles she’s been facing as a woman-leader. Being a leader at the age of 18 and having to run a social initiative program, while still having to pursue her degree abroad was never an easy job. Katrina puts herself in each of those outlets, and one of her keys to keeping all things in balance is compassion.

For some of us, oftentimes compassion could be such a challenging and heavy word. Let’s be honest here. Giving, showing affection, being empathetic, being aware and immersed in our surroundings wasn’t something that is easy to do. There’s our ego that plays alongside our hearts when we’re about to leap on to a more compassionate decision. But during my interview with Katrina, she told me about her journey of developing Art for Refuge (AFR), a social initiative program focusing on providing art classes for refugees, where compassion plays one of the most important roles in the process.

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